The Kosovan elections and Kurti’s reconfirmation

giu 13, 2021 0 comments

By Gino Fontana

This little country, located in the Balkans, is home to almost 2 million people (more than 50% of the entire population is below 25 years old), in majority Kosovar Albanians, but with a large Serbian presence in different parts of the country: in North-Mitrovica, in the south and in the west.

Kosovo, is the youngest European country born after its proclamation of independence in 2008 from Serbia, this latter never recognised the independence.

As reported on BalkanInsight, after the resigning of the President Thaci in November 2020 when the Hague-based Kosovo Specialist Chambers indicted him for war crimes and crimes against humanity during the Kosovo’s 1998-99 war[1].

The elections held on the 14th of February saw triumph of Albin Kurti and his party: Vetëvendosje. Kurti reached 48% of preferences with an electoral participation of almost 47% of the entire population, the highest turnout since 2010 elections, following the Kosovian Democratic Party (PDK) of the former President Thaci that reached 17,3%, then the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) of the former Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti with 13,1% and finally the Alliance for Future of Kosovo (AAK) by the former Premier Ramush Haradinaj with 7,4%.

Furthermore, it is important to consider women participation in Kosovan politics. First of all, the Kosovian President, Vjosa Osmani, 38 years old, lawyer and law professor, became the President ad Interim after the resigning of Tachi and she has been confirmed in the Parliament with 71 votes out of 120.

Osmani, is not the first woman to hold the office of President, the first was Atifete Jahjaga in 2011. The overall gender progress in Kosovo is relevant and women are winning greater political representation. In the Parliament, 43 women were elected representing the 35%, and in Kurti’s government, one third of his ministers are women.

Kurti’s victory was a foregone conclusion. In his message he declared: young people, women and diaspora are the real winners. Now, for the new executive, the challenges are multiple, both old and new ones. First of all, the pandemic and the distribution of vaccines, the fight against rampart corruption, the reduction of inequalities and the normalization of relationships with Serbia. For this latter Kurti clearly stated that: “no further compromises can or will be done”.

Kurti’s party received the double of the votes and these elections reflected the willing of Kosovians to seek an effective anti-corruption agenda, an economic reform agenda and progress.

Finally, the dream of Joining Albania? As stated above, the majority of the Kosovar population is ethnic Albanian. Prime Minister Kurti on Euronews said he would support a greater union with Albania and in a possible referendum he would vote: Yes! But, how would Belgrade react to this referedum? In any case, the priority of Kurti’s Government is strenghtening the state of Kosovo as a sovereign and independent republic and above all, find a solution on the greatest current problems of Kosovian society.


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[1]Kosovo Parliament Elects Albin Kurti as Prime Minister in:



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